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2008 November Philippine Nursing Board Exam Results

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The complete list of 2008 November Philippine Nursing Board Exam Results will posted right away after PRC will release the result.

2008 November Philippine Nursing Board Exam Results will be released on January 2009.

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Friday, November 21, 2008



                 Are you ready to take the 2008 November Nursing Licensure Exam this November 28 and 29? Have you formulated some strategies and techniques on how you would be able to manage yourself when taking the exam? Don’t get anxious nor get shaken! Read the 2008 November Nursing Licensure Exam Tips below to help you out with what you are going to prepare and do now that you only a few days to count before the long awaited examinations.

 2008 November Nursing Licensure Exam Tips:  GETTING ON THE HABIT.

 1.  Do not change your pattern of study. It had brought you this far, so it worked. If you have studied alone, continue to study alone. If you have studied in a group, form a study group.

 2.  If you see the need to reestablish your study time, do it soon, not later. Schedule your study time when you are most alert. Study difficult topics during that time where you are most alert.

 3.  Be realistic in your study schedules by not pressuring yourself to cover most topic in a day nor utilizing the whole time for studying. Set aside time for normal activities.


4.  Do not rush. If you get overexcited, overconfident and/or overanxious during the examination, you can no longer think perfectly.

 5.  Practice time tests and stick to a suggested time frame. You will have a little less than 1 minute per question on the examination.

 6.  Take care of yourself. Consider your health as part of your preparation for the examination.

  • Get plenty of rest. When you’re tired, you can’t think deeply or concentrate.
  • Eat nutritious meals to maintain your energy level.
  • Regular exercise helps you work harder and think more clearly.


2008 November Nursing Licensure Exam Tips:  JUST AS YOU WILL START TO MARK THAT PAPER…

 1.  Pray before you start. A humble prayer would usually help by calming you down and relax you just as the examination starts. Prayer supplies by giving you guidance from Above.

 2.  Follow the directions carefully. Do not hesitate to ask the proctor regarding some instructions to avoid errors on your papers.

 3.  Use MONGOL NO. 2 pencil. Make sure it is well sharpened. Bring with you extra pencils in case the pencil had become blunt or the tip had broke off. Be consistent in your shading. The machine checks on the lead.

 3.  MARK THE DESIGNATED SET. Before you mark your first answer, always make sure you have shaded the appropriate set (Set A or Set B).


2008 November Nursing Licensure Exam Tips:  FITTING THE HUNDRED ITEMS IN 2 HOURS.


1.  Have a wrist watch with you and make sure it works in good condition. When answering the exams, you can watch on your clock to take note of the time you had started and when it will end. You can also monitor you pacing whether you are consuming much time or you are budgeting time well. There are testing areas/rooms that do not have wall clocks or sometimes are not working.

 2.  Answer the easiest questions first. Note on your test booklet those you still have to answer. After answering all of the questions, go back to the unanswered items you left. Be sure to erase any extraneous marks you make.

 3.  When you’re done with the exam but you are still ahead of time. Review your answers. Check the marked boxes one by one to make sure that you haven’t missed any box unshaded. If you still have the more time, review again those questions you had difficulty answering with.

 2008 November Nursing Licensure Exam Tips:  HOW TO HIT THE QUESTION?

 1.  Read and understand the immediate question twice. If twice is not enough, you may read it again but ignoring the details except what is being asked. Focus on the last line of the question, usually the main question is positioned on this part.

 2.  Take note of the words which may serve as modifiers. They may shift the thought of the questions. Be careful in reading your questions. If you miss them, you would have a different interpretation of the question. Examples of these modifiers are: except, not, least.


2.  If the answer is still apparent, you may rephrase the question into simpler, more personal terms. You may break down the question into simpler and less intimidating terms to help you focus more accurately on the correct answer.

 3.  Admit that no matter how long your preparations are, you cannot still cover the whole thing. When you will meet questions that you really do not know, just rely on your test taking strategies.


2008 November Nursing Licensure Exam Tips:  CAUGHT BETWEEN CHOICES?

 1.  Read all four choices and eliminate the two poor answers to narrow down your choices into two.

  • If there are two similar answers, eliminate those two choices. The correct answer may be on the remaining two choices.
  • If there are two completely opposite answers, either the two of them is the correct answer. Thus, you eliminate the other two choices.

 2.  Some choices confuse you because they are those happening to the actual setting. Always check you practical experiences against textbook nursing care; choose the one that is the most ideal and what is written in textbooks. Shortcuts and improvisation are done in actual setting.


2008 November Nursing Licensure Exam Tips:  KEY STRATEGIES IN PRIORITIZATION!

 1.  Some of the questions may ask you to determine priority ---deciding which answer is best, most appropriate, or should be implemented first. To help you identify these kinds of questions, look for the following phrases:

  • Most appropriate
  • Best
  • First
  • Last
  • Next
  • Most helpful
  • Most suitable

 2. To help you prioritize, regardless of the type of question or the number of seemingly correct options, the following strategies will help you determine the correct answer:

  • Considering the NURSING PROCESS

- consider this when you asked what you should do in a situation. The Nursing Process will help you determine which step in the process would be next.


- Look into this when you asked regarding about client’s needs. This will guide which need should be addressed first.

  • Reviewing PATIENT SAFETY

- When the question projects that the client does not have an urgent physiological need, focus on client’s safety.

- There are options addressing to the client and others to the equipment. Prioritize the option relating to the client; never place equipment before a client.

  • Reflecting on principles of THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION

- If the question involves a communication with the patient, use the principles of therapeutic communication.

                 The above enumerated 2008 November Nursing Licensure Exam Tips are only a few among many possible strategies you may able to apply during the two-day examination. May they help you to pass the examination, one way or another.

                To all the board exam takers, God bless you in taking the 2008 November Nursing Licensure Exam. Think positive always that you will make it. Aim high and not just settle for a passing score.

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